Deprecated featureDeprecated feature

Migrating Product Advisor data from staging server to production server

The steps in this section explain how to migrate Product Advisor data from the staging server to the production server.


  1. Enable the automatic search space XML file generation as follows :

    To generate the search space XML when creating a search space from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator:

    1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
    2. Set the value of the
      <GenerateXMLFile> tag to " true" 
       <SearchSpaceConfiguration name="Search Space Configuration"> 
       <CompatibilityMode value="true"/> 
       <GenerateXMLFile value="true"/> 
    3. Save the file.
    4. Restart the WebSphere Commerce instance for the changes to take effect.
    5. The search space xml is generated in the location as specified by the key ssXMLFilePath in the file.
  2. Create the Search space manually or using the batch command PACreateSearchSpaceBatchCmd.
  3. Create metaphors for the categories you wish to export on the staging server. For more information see Creating metaphors using the command utilities.
  4. To export metaphors, schedule the PAXMLExportBatchCmd scheduler command from the Administration Console.
  5. Move the output xmlFileName file to a location on your production server.
  6. Create one or more search spaces on the production server.
  7. To import metaphors, in order to create, update or delete the metaphors, schedule the PACreateMetaphorBatchCmd scheduler command from the Administration Console.