Creating marketing and storefront managed files
Create marketing and storefront managed files by uploading files from your local file system to a directory in the Assets tool. The files are then available for use in marketing content.
You can upload multiple files in
a single step by uploading a compressed file. The compressed file
must be .zip format.
- Open the Assets tool.
- From the explorer view filter, select Files. Then navigate to the directory in which you want to create the files.
- Choose one of the following methods:
Option Description To create a single managed file
- In the explorer view, right-click the target directory, and select New file.
- Click
beside the File field to browse your local file system for the file.
The Name, Size, and Path fields are populated with the information for the selected file.Tip: You can change the Name field to specify a different file name. - Optional: To change the path of the file to use a different parent
directory, click
to open the utilities view. Drag the directory that you want to use as the parent directory from the utility view to the Path list in the properties view.
- Click Save and Close, or click Close. Note: If you are working in an extended site store and the directory that you want to create a managed file in belongs to an asset store, you cannot create a managed file under this directory.
The file is created in the Assets tool.
To create multiple managed files from a compressed file
- In the explorer view, right-click the target directory, and select Create files from compressed file.
- Browse your local file system for the compressed (.zip) file.
The upload process begins automatically after you select the compressed file. When the upload process is complete, the Management Center message console in the bottom left displays the following message:Create files from compressed file action completed for Directory your_target_directory.
The files and directories are created in the Assets tool.