Testing changes to a shortcut menu

About this task

Use the Test area of the Context Menu Editor to preview changes you have made to a context menu before saving it. To test a context menu:


  1. Determine which option is selected in the Application menu.
    • If Windows Explorer, go to step 2.
    • If DevOps ClearCase® Explorer, go to step 3.
  2. For a Windows Explorer context menu, locate the Test this side of the Explorer box and choose one of the following options:
    • Select Tree to test the menu as it is displayed in the left side of the Windows Explorer window.
    • Select List to test the menu as it is displayed in the right side of the window.
  3. Click Browse to select an appropriate object to test. Use the following guidelines to select an object:
    • Choose objects that are of the Object Type, Object State, and Selection Type currently specified for the shortcut. If you choose a different type, the values you specified in those fields will be changed.
    • If you are testing the left side of the Windows Explorer window, enter the name of one folder or drive.
    • If you are testing the right side of the window or ClearCase Explorer, enter the name of one or more files or folders.
    • To test more than one object, enter the full pathnames of the objects in the box. Enclose each name in double quotes, and separate each name by one or more spaces.
  4. Click Test to display a preview of the context menu for the test object.
  5. In the test context menu, verify that the commands you expect are displayed.
  6. If you defined help text for your command, move your cursor over the command and verify that the help text is displayed in the status bar.
  7. Click each command to open the Command Confirmation window. This window shows the command that will be executed and its initial directory.
  8. Click Execute in the Command Confirmation window to test the command.


If your test succeeds, your customization is complete. If any part of the test fails, edit your object or menu properties to correct the problem.