Customizing context menus

About this task

Both Windows Explorer and DevOps ClearCase® Explorer provide context menus that include a standard set of DevOps Code ClearCase commands. You can customize these menus and add, remove, or modify commands in them.

To customize your DevOps Code ClearCase context menus, perform the following tasks:


  1. Start the Context Menu Editor: Start > DevOps Code ClearCase > Context Menu Editor.
  2. Choose the application for which you want to customize context menus.
  3. Choose the objects for which you want to customize context menus.
  4. (Optional) Add or modify commands available for your context menus. Available commands appear in the Available Menu Choices list.

    For example, you can add a command that opens files in an editor of your choice for editing instead of using the default Open command.

  5. Add or remove commands from your menus using the list in This Menu Contents.
  6. Test your changes.
  7. Save your changes either to a file or to the registry.