Modifying commands

About this task

The Available Menu Choices box lists the commands that are currently available to invoke on DevOps Code ClearCase® objects. If a command that you want to include in a context menu is not listed, you can add it. You can also modify or remove an existing command.


  • To create a new command, complete the following steps:
    1. Click New.
    2. Use the Menu Item Properties window to define the command.
    3. Click OK to dismiss the window. The new command appears in the Available Menu Choices list.
    The command is now available to add to a context menu.
  • To modify an existing command, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the command to modify in Available Menu Choices.
    2. Click Properties.
    3. Edit the Menu Item Properties window to change the command parameters.
    4. Click OK.
    Note: You can also use this procedure to examine what a command does (for example, to verify that the command you need is not already used)
  • To remove a command, complete the following steps:
    1. Select the command in Available Menu Choices.
    2. Click Delete to remove the command.