HCL Commerce Enterprise

Creating a new version of a contract

Creating a new version of the contract creates a draft version of an existing contract. This new version has the same name as the original contract, but the version number is incremented. When you deploy a new version of a contract, the existing contract is moved to the closed state. You can create a new version of a contract for contracts that are in the approved, active, or suspended states. You can duplicate a contract if you want to create a new version of an existing contract with a different name. Duplicating a contract does not move the existing contract into the closed state.


  1. Open Management Center Tools and from the hamburger menu, click Manage Accounts > Accounts and Contracts.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center Tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Customer Management > Customer Accounts.
  3. Click Accounts. The Account list page displays containing business accounts currently defined for the selected store.
  4. The three dots shown under Action menu represents Contract. Select Contract from Action menu, or click on the number of contract count of the business account that you want to change the contract for. The Contract page opens.
  5. Update the Contract from Account Details field. Update all the other fields as per requirement.
  6. Click Save to save the updated contract and close the notebook.