Delete managed files
You can delete a managed file if you no longer have any use for that file. You cannot delete a managed file if it is associated with a business object, such as a catalog entry, category, or marketing content.
Before you begin
- Open the Management Center.
- From the hamburger menu, click Assets. The Assets page is displayed.
- Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click .
- In the explorer view, find the managed file that you want to delete.
From the Files - List view, right-click the managed file; then click
Note: If you are working in an extended sites store and the file that you want to delete is contained in an attachment that belongs to an asset store, you cannot delete the file unless you are authorized to access the asset store. When you are in an extended site store, the icon in the Type column for the attachment displays a small black square to indicate that the attachment belongs to an asset store. Any changes that you make to the attachment are applied to all stores that use this attachment.
Restriction: After using the Assets tool in the
Management Center to delete a file, the file is not be removed from the
HCL Commerce file system until the ScheduledContentManagedFileEARUpdate scheduled job runs. In the meantime:
- If you upload the same file to the same directory again, an error message will show indicating that the file already exists.