HCL Commerce Enterprise

Scenario 1: Creating a catalog filter based on catalog entries

This scenario shows you how to create a catalog filter based on catalog entries only. In a catalog filter, catalog entries that are included or excluded are evaluated before other filtering criteria. For example, you could exclude the TV category, but explicitly include one TV. The TV is included in the filter.

In this scenario, you create a catalog filter that excludes the Coffee Maker category but includes some products within the Coffee Maker category. This is an example of a catalog-entry based filter that could be used within your price rules. The screen capture shows a catalog filter with the Coffee Makers category excluded.
Tip: This icon Explicit indicates that you have explicitly excluded the object and this icon Explicit indicates that you explicitly included the object.

Screen capture

Planning the catalog filter

Identify which categories, catalog entries, catalog entry properties, or attribute dictionary attributes to include or exclude from your catalog. In this scenario, you include four catalog entries in the catalog filter. Ensure that the number of catalog entries associated with a catalog filter does not exceed 500.
Catalog entries to include or exclude
Catalog Entries (Products) Filter Type
CTA023_2301 Include
CTA023_2302 Include
CTA023_2303 Include
CTA023_2304 Include

Creating the catalog filter

  1. Open Management Center tools and from the hamburger menu, click Manage Accounts > Catalog Filter and Pricing .
  2. HCL Commerce Version or laterOpen Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Customer Management > Catalog Filters.
  3. From the toolbar, click the arrow or the right side of New Catalog Filter Create new button; then select Catalog Filter. The properties view displays.
  4. In the General Properties section, specify a name and description for the catalog filter.
  5. Add the catalog entries to the catalog filter.
    1. In the Filter by Categories, Attributes and Properties section, expand the Electronics category tree, right-click the Computer Tablets; then click Exclude.
    2. In the Filter by Catalog Entries section, table, type CTA023_2301 in the search field, then click Find and Add
    3. Repeat the previous step to include the other catalog entries in the catalog filter.
  6. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

You can use this catalog filter in price rules to mark down the prices for the specific catalog entries.