Opening the Management Center

Access the Management Center to work with the business functions for your site.

Note: Do not reload a page or return to a previous page while using the Management Center. That is, do not use the refresh keyboard shortcut (F5) or right-click and select the Refresh or Back options for the browser while using the Management Center. If you reload a window after you enter some data, data will be lost.


  1. You can access the Management Center for HCL Commerce using the following web address in your browser: https://host_name:8000/lobtools

    where: host_name is the fully qualified host name of HCL Commerce (for example, is fully qualified).

  2. Log on to the Management Center:
    Authentication mechanismSteps
    HCL Commerce sign-on
    • In the User Name field, type your HCL Commerce user name.
    • In the Password field, type your HCL Commerce logon password for this user name.
    Note: If IBM SSO has been enabled, your first login will be different. You will use your IBMid and password to login, and will be directed to associate your HCL Commerce account with your IBMid. Once you have done this, you will be able to log in using your HCL Commerce credentials.
  3. Click Log on.
  4. The available Management Center tools depend on the access you have. With the proper access control, from the Management Center menu select the name of the tool you want to work with.
  5. Specify the store that you want to manage:
    You have specified a default store within your Management Center user preferences Your default store is preselected. You can use the selected tool to manage your tasks. Note that the tools are store-specific. If you open another tool, your default store will also be preselected for this tool. You can optionally select a different store from the Store list.
    You do not have a default store setup From the Store list, select the store that you want to manage. Note that the tools are store-specific. If you open another tool, also select a store name from the Store list.
    Note: The availability stores are dependent on access control.

What to do next

Once you have completed your Management Center tasks, you should save your work and log out of the Management Center rather than closing the browser. If you forget to save your work, you will be prompted to do so. To close the Management Center, select the Log Out link within the Management Center banner. If you have made changes while logged on, ensure that you save your changes before logging out.