Installments tool

Use the Installments tool in Management Center to create and manage installment rules that support the payment methods for your site.

What you can do with the Installments tool

Here is a summary of tasks you can perform to create and manage installment rules for your site:

Tasks Details For more information
Create installment rules Create installment rules to offer customers different installment payment options when they purchase items from your store catalog:
  • Configure monthly installment payment options from two to 24 installments, with varying interest rates.
  • Associate installment payment options with particular product categories, manufacturers, and payment methods.
Creating installment rules
Manage installments rules View how installment rules are scheduled in relation to one another in a calendar tool.

View a list of active and inactive installment rules.

Activate, deactivate, update, and delete installment rules.

Listing installment rules

Activating or deactivating installment rules

Changing installment rules

Deleting installment rules

Search for installment rules Search for installment rules by name or by description. Finding objects in Management Center


The Installments tool does not support the workspace feature. When workspaces are enabled and you are working with tasks or task groups, the Installments tool is not available. The tool is available when you are working on approved content.