Feature Pack 5

Enabling interim fix JR46771

Interim fix JR46771 improves performance by simplifying synonym expansion logic for AND type searches in the storefront.

Before you begin

Install the cumulative interim fix for Feature Pack 5, JR53048.fep.


  1. Open the following file:
    • WebSphere Commerce Developerworkspace_dir/WC/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext/wc-search.xml
    • WC_installdir/wc.ear/xml/config/com.ibm.commerce.catalog-ext/wc-search.xml
    For more information about updating the wc-search.xml file, see Changing properties in the search configuration file.
  2. Use the following guideline to update the <_config:provider> tag to your existing search profile:

    Replace all occurrences of SolrSearchByKeywordExpressionProvider with SolrSearchByAlternateKeywordExpressionProvider.

    For example, update the following code
  3. Deploy the file to your production environment.