WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseNew feature for Feature Pack 8Linux

Deploying WebSphere Commerce virtual system patterns or virtual application patterns

WebSphere Commerce provides virtual system patterns and virtual application patterns that you can use to deploy a virtual WebSphere Commerce environment. You can use the patterns with IBM PureApplication System V2.1.0, IBM PureApplication Software V2.1.0, or the IBM PureApplication Service V2.1.0.

Note: The WebSphere Commerce Patterns 1.1.1 and earlier are deprecated, effective October 21, 2014, with the removal of the IBM Transactional Database Pattern from IBM PureApplication Software V2.0 and all PureApplication Systems W2700, W2500, W1700, and W1500. The prerequisite IBM Transactional Database Pattern is only available on request as a supported program for PureApplication System and PureApplication Software until March 31, 2015. The current WebSphere Commerce Patterns 1.1.1 is not compatible with the replacement pattern, IBM DB2 for BLU Acceleration Pattern.

For more information about deploying WebSphere Commerce Patterns 1.1.1, download the Deploying WebSphere Commerce Patterns 1.1.1 PDF.

Important: There are inherent limitations on the WebSphere Commerce Pattern scalability due to the license terms of the underlying DB2 software that is provided with the IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern V1.2 (5725-R92). Before you plan to use IBM WebSphere Commerce Patterns, read the current license and Usage Restrictions for the following programs:
  • IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern V1.2 (5725-R92)
  • IBM DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition for Linux, UNIX, and Windows 10.5 (5725-L15) (provided as a Supporting Program of the IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern).

Virtual application patterns

Virtual system patterns give you control over deployment details such as topology, choice of virtual images, and scaling policy. Virtual system patterns can be encapsulated into virtual application patterns through pattern components. Users can choose to use virtual application patterns for deployment with default values provided by IBM or your system administrator. The deployment processes are similar. This documentation emphasizes only the differences to avoid redundant information.

All Virtual system patterns, except for the virtual software library, generally require the same basic steps to deploy.
Note: IBM WebSphere Commerce Patterns supports only Red Hat Enterprise Linux on x86-64 (64 bit) environments, using version 2.1.0 of the IBM PureApplication System, IBM PureApplication Software, and IBM PureApplication Service.

Select one of the following pattern types for specific instructions on deploying the pattern:

Pattern Description
LinuxSoftware library

These patterns provide Virtualization of a file server to serve software that is required to deploy other patterns. Deploy these virtual system or virtual application patterns with IBM PureApplication Software, IBM PureApplication System, or IBM PureApplication Service to get a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux virtual machine.

WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseLinuxFeature Pack 8WebSphere Commerce Version environments

These patterns provide Virtualization of a single-tier environment for non-production purposes. Deploy these virtual system or virtual application patterns with IBM PureApplication Software, IBM PureApplication System, or IBM PureApplication Service to get 64-bit virtual machines with WebSphere Commerce Enterprise Version 7, Feature Pack 8, and Fix Pack 9 installed and enabled on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

WebSphere Commerce EnterpriseLinuxFeature Pack 8WebSphere Commerce Version environments

These patterns provide a multitiered environment for production purposes. Deploy these virtual system or virtual application patterns with IBM PureApplication Software, IBM PureApplication System, or IBM PureApplication Service to get 64-bit virtual machines with WebSphere Commerce Enterprise Version 7, Feature Pack 8, and Fix Pack 9 installed and enabled on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Alternatively, you can review the following high-level process as a deployment checklist:

Before you begin

These patterns were designed to work with specific software and pattern versions. Before you can use IBM WebSphere Commerce Patterns V2.1.0.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, ensure that you are using the software and pattern versions that are described in the following steps.
  1. If you are deploying to IBM PureApplication Service on SoftLayer, or if you are using IBM PureApplication Software to deploy to your own hardware (Bring Your Own Hardware), complete the following steps:
    1. Obtain the following license entitlements:
      • WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server V7.0 (5725-A26)
      • IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern V1.2 (5725-R92)
      These programs are not provided as Supporting Programs of WebSphere Commerce.
      Note: For deploying to IBM PureApplication System appliance, you do not have to obtain a license. The necessary license entitlements and software are already included.
    2. Download the following file from the Passport Advantage website:
      IBM WebSphere Application Server (64-bit) Hypervisor Edition v7.0.0.31 on Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server (64-bit) (OVA format) Multilingual.
      Search for part number CIR8YML, then download the associated installation file.
      Note: This image is available only if you obtained the additional license entitlement for the separate program (5725-A26).
    3. Download the following file from the IBM Fix Central website:
      IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern 1.2.1
      Download IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern V1.2.1.
      Note: This image is available only if you obtained the additional license entitlement for the separate program (5725-R92).
  2. Download the following files that are needed to use IBM WebSphere Commerce Patterns for Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
    1. Download the following files from the Passport Advantage website:
      WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Enterprise Edition
      Search for part number CZ6CDML, then download the associated installation file. Ensure that the file is in .zip format (that is, ensure that its extension is .zip).
      WebSphere Commerce V7.0 Feature Pack 8
      Search for part number CN2BJML, then download the associated installation file. Ensure that the file is in .zip format (that is, ensure that its extension is .zip).
    2. Download the following files from Fix Central:
      WebSphere Commerce V7 Fix Pack 9 for Server
      Download the WebSphere Commerce Version installation file. Ensure that the file is in .PAK format (that is, ensure that its extension is .pak). For more information about the WebSphere Commerce Version Fix Pack, see the fix pack technote.
      WebSphere Commerce V7 Update Installer
      Download Update Installer from the following technote, UPDI technote. Ensure that the file is in .zip format (that is, ensure that its extension is .zip).
      IBM DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition Version, or higher Version 10.5 fix pack
      Download the DB2 installation file from the following technote, Download DB2 Fix Packs by version for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.
      1. Select DB2 V10.5 Fix Pack 4, or higher.
      2. On the DB2 10.5 fix pack page, expand the section for Linux 64-bit, x86-64 on AMD64 and Intel EM64T.
      3. Select the "DB2 Server Fix Pack" file.
      Ensure that the file is in a compressed .tar archive (either a *.tar.gz or *.tgz file).


  1. Obtain the IBM WebSphere Commerce Patterns V2.1.0.1 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux eAssembly (part number CN5KPEN) from the Passport Advantage website.
    This eAssembly contains the necessary virtual system patterns.
  2. Extract the eAssembly (CN5KPEN.zip) to a temporary directory. The eAssembly contains the following file: Commerce.VAP.RHEL-
  3. Import the WebSphere Application Server image and DB2 pattern type.
    1. Import the WebSphere Application Server image for Red Hat Enterprise Linux into IBM PureApplication Software, IBM PureApplication System, or IBM PureApplication Service and accept the license.
      For more information about importing an image, see Importing virtual images to the catalog in the IBM PureApplication System documentation.
    2. Import the IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern 1.2.1 pattern type if the pattern type is not on the system and accept all licenses.
      For more information about importing a pattern type, see Importing pattern types .
    3. Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager plug-in for IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern 1.2.1. You must complete this step if you are deploying a production virtual environment. You do not have to complete this step if you are deploying a software library or a non-production virtual environment.
      The Tivoli Storage Manager server properties for IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern 1.2.1 contain hardcoded values that must be updated. Update the values to specify where to store DB2 log files.
      1. Click Catalog > System Plug-ins
      2. In the Filter drop-down menu, select IBM DB2 with BLU Acceleration Pattern
      3. Select tsmclient
      4. Click Configure. The TSM configuration window opens.
      5. Update the fields:
        • If you want to enable Tivoli Storage Manager to back up DB2 log files, update all fields to match your server properties.
        • If you do not want to enable Tivoli Storage Manager and you want to store the DB2 log files on the local file system, clear the TSM server address and TSM server administrator password fields.
  4. Prepare the base WebSphere Application Server image. You must set adequate sizes for the file system in the WebSphere Application Server image:
    Note: It is recommended that you install the following WebSphere Application Server interim fixes onto your virtual environment,
    • PI46840: WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor fix for an IBM HTTP Server federation issue. There is an issue where a web server node in a clustered environment might not be created properly.
    • PI16095: There is an issue with port assignments when multiple wsadmin sessions are creating clusters.
    You can obtain the fixes from WebSphere Application Server Support.
    1. Expand the size of the file system on the WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition image. For more information about expanding image size, see Cloning virtual images.
      Recommended minimum sizes for the file system in the WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition image:
      • Root file system (for example, RHEL62-64.vmdk): 12 GB
      • WebSphere Application Server binary files: 8 GB
      • WebSphere Application Server profiles: 12 GB
      • WebSphere IBM HTTP Server: 2 GB
      Make note of the following information about the virtual image.
      • Image reference number
      • Version
      • Image name
      You must provide these values later.
      Avoid troubleAvoid trouble: Ensure that your image has a unique name and version number. If there are multiple images with the same name, when you attempt to import the pattern, the operation fails. If there are multiple images with the same version number, you might find it difficult to identify them in the virtual system editor.
    2. Complete the following steps in IBM PureApplication System to expand the partition and file system.
  5. Import a Commerce pattern type. Ensure that you accept the license and enable the pattern type after you complete the import process.
    1. Click Cloud > Pattern types > New.
    2. Browse and import a pattern type:
      • Commerce.VAP.RHEL-
      Note: Users need to import a pattern type once only. If the same version of the pattern type is imported a second time, no changes are made.
  6. Optional: Deploy the library pattern for hosting software that is needed by the patterns. You can skip this step if you can already access a file server through HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP.
  7. Upload software to the library instance or to your own file server.
  8. Provide the values for any mandatory parameters and any configurable default parameters.
    Each pattern contains different mandatory parameters and configurable default parameters. See the specific pattern documentation for details on these values.
  9. Deploy the virtual system or virtual application pattern.
    For more information, see Deploying the virtual system pattern.
  10. Verify the deployed system.
    See the specific pattern documentation for the important logs to view.