Interim fix JR53064 provides a way to propagate catalog filter tables during staging
Before you begin
- Ensure that the latest cumulative
interim fix is installed:
the interim fix for JR53064.
For information about
how to install an interim fix, see
About this task
The fix requires schema changes to support propagating the EXPRESSION table during
stagingprop. The following files are included in the fix:
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/expressionTriggerForOracle.sql
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/expressionTriggerForDB2.sql
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/insertExpression.sql
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/keysplit.expression.production.lowrange.sql
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/keysplit.expression.staging.midrange.sql
Where X is the feature pack version number
Invoke the appropriate SQL file (based on your database) to set up staging triggers:
Invoke the following SQL file to mark the EXPRESSION table as stageable and copy-able by
updating the appropriate staging-indicator table.
- WC_installdir/components/foundation/schema/fepX/apar/insertExpression.sql
Invoke the following SQL file to perform key-splitting by updating the KEYS table bounds for
the EXPRESSION table.
- For production databases:
- For staging or authoring databases: