Menu bar

The Merge Manager offers the following menus on the menu bar.

File menu
Opens, saves and saves as Merge Manager files; and exits the program.
Edit menu
Deletes elements, selects elements, and (on Linux and the UNIX system) performs an undo delete.
View menu
Controls the display of the Merge Manager, including how the elements are listed and sorted.
Merge menu
Merges elements, finds elements to merge, refreshes the element list, and refines the merge type.
Compare menu
Compares versions of a single selected element.
Tools menu
Performs DevOps Code ClearCase® operations (check in, undo checkout, reserve, and unreserve) on one or more selected elements. You can also view the history, version tree, and properties of a single selected element.
Help menu
Accesses Help for the Merge Manager and other Help topics.