Copying a file

z/OS® Extensions provides a copy operation that you can use to work on a file that is checked out by someone else.

About this task

This task explains how to copy a file that is checked out by someone else or that cannot be checked in because a successor version has already been checked in to ClearCase®. See the checkin topic in the related topics for more information about scenarios for which the copy operation is appropriate.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s to select a data set.
    The View Files List panel displays.
  3. To copy files, do one of the following actions:
    • Type cp next to the file name.
    • Type s next to the file name, type cp on the option line of the File Actions panel, and press Enter.
    The Member Copy window opens.
  4. Type a new member name in the New Name field, and press Enter.
    The new member name should conform to these rules:
    • The name length must be eight characters or less.
    • The name should contain only the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 @ # $.
    • The name should not start with 0-9.
    If the name you type contains invalid characters or the first character is 0-9, TSO Client displays the message Invalid name.
    The View Files List panel shows the newly copied member.