Displaying TSO Client help

This topic describes how to update your ISPF profile to display TSO Client helps. You need to do this task only if have used a previous version of z/OS® Extensions and your installation has upgraded to version

Before you begin

If your site has installed z/OS Extensions version as a new installation rather than an upgrade, then you do not need to do this task. The steps in this topic are necessary only for TSO Client users who have upgraded to


If you have previously used TSO Client and z/OS Extensions is upgraded, do these steps to update your ISPF user profile to display the TSO Client helps.
  1. Open Dialog Test of the ISPF utility.
  2. Select 3 Variables.
  3. On the Command line, type LOCATE ZPF01.
  4. Press Enter and make sure that the cursor is at the line ZPF01. If this line is not found, no more steps need to be done.
  5. If the value of ZPF01 is not HELP, change it to HELP.
  6. Press PF3 twice to exit the ISPF utility.