Adding attributes to files

Use the aat command to add attributes to a file under source control.

Before you begin

The aat command is available in both attribute-driven and table-driven parameterized build environments. For more information about setting up parameterized build using an attribute-driven configuration, see Creating an attribute-driven configuration and Creating a table-driven configuration. Before you can add attributes to a file under source control:
  1. For attribute-driven configuration, make sure your profile is configured as follows:

    Ensure that attribute types have been defined in ClearCase. In most cases, the ClearCase project manager defines the attribute types and assigns default values to the attribute types.

    For table-driven configuration, make sure your profile is configured as follows:

    Ensure that attribute types have been defined in the file, which is specified by PROJECT_VIEW keyword in profilePath.

    In most cases, the ClearCase project manager defines the attribute and assigns default values to the attribute.

    For more information about these parameters in the profile, see Profile parameters.
  2. Ensure that you can successfully issue the pbf command from the File Actions panel. For more information about the pbf command, see Submitting a compile request from TSO Client.
  3. Ensure that attribute types have been defined in ClearCase. In most cases, the ClearCase project manager defines the attribute types and assigns default values to the attribute types.


To add attributes to files under DevOps Code ClearCase source control:
  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s beside one or more of the data sets in the list to select a data set.
  3. To select files, do one of the following actions:
    • Type aat next to the file name you want to add an attribute to. The file must be under source control. You cannot add attributes to a view private file.
    • Type s next to the file name, type aat on the option line of the File Actions panel, and press Enter.
    The Add Attributes to File panel opens. This panel displays all available attributes in the current configured environment. If the file already has attributes assigned to it, these are shown on the panel. The value type, attribute name, and attribute value are displayed in the panel. If the selected file has no value for a certain attribute, the associated attribute value is empty.
  4. Press F7 and F8 to page up and down through the list of available attributes.
  5. To add an attribute to the file, type a value for the attribute in the Attribute value field.
    Attribute values are case-sensitive. The following characters are not supported: $, @, &, [, ], |, and ^. For detailed information about the attribute value field, refer to the help for the ClearCase mkattr command. You can enter values for multiple attributes on this panel. If an attribute already has a value, you can change the value, but you cannot delete it. Press F1 to open help for entering a value in the correct format.
  6. After you have entered values for all attributes you want to assign to the file, press Enter.
    The attributes are assigned to the file. If the file had existing attribute values, the new attribute values replace the previous ones. TSO Client ignores attributes whose value fields are empty. A return message displays the action status. you can press F1 to see a more detailed message.
  7. Press F3 to exit the Add Attributes to File panel.
    If you select multiple files using the aat command on the View Files List panel, and if you disable the Apply to multiple files option on the Add Attributes to File panel, TSO Client displays successive Add Attributes to File panels when you press F3 to exit the panel. But if you enable the Apply to multiple files option on the Add Attributes to File panel, the last changes for the current file are also applied to successive files and no Add Attributes to File panel is displayed.