Removing a ClearCase view

Remove a ClearCase® view when it is no longer needed.

Before you begin

If the view you want to remove is a web view or automatic view, you must connect to the ClearCase server that supports it before you can remove it.

About this task

Removing a ClearCase view removes
  • The local copy area of a web view or an automatic view
  • The cleartext storage of an automatic view
  • Supporting directories on the ClearCase server.
Note: When you remove a ClearCase view, any view-private files or directories it contains are deleted from the local computer's file system. If the view contains any view-private files or directories that you want to preserve, copy them to another location before you remove the view.


To remove a ClearCase view:
  1. In the ClearTeam Navigator view or the ClearTeam Details view, select the view that you want to remove.
  2. Search the view to be sure it contains nothing of value. Click the ClearCase search icon icon on the ClearCase toolbar to open the ClearCase Search dialog box. Search the view for checkouts, hijacked files, and view-private resources. Resolve the checkouts by checking them in or canceling them. Resolve the hijacked files by converting them to checkouts or canceling them. If the view contains any view-private resources that you want to preserve, copy them to another location.
  3. Click the remove view icon icon on the ClearCase toolbar or right-click the view name and click Remove ClearCase View on the context menu.
  4. Click Yes when prompted to confirm that you want to remove the view.


The view is removed. Any files or folders in the copy area that were in use when the view was being removed remain in the copy area, and you are prompted to remove them manually.