Importing an Eclipse Team Project Set from DevOps Code ClearCase

Use Import Project Set in the ClearCase perspective to load resources from all projects in an Eclipse Team Project Set into a ClearCase® view and import them into the associated Eclipse workspace.


To import an Eclipse Team Project Set from DevOps Code ClearCase:
  1. In the ClearTeam Navigator or ClearCase Details view, select a project set file (.psf) to import.
  2. From the ClearCase context menu, click Import > Import Project Set into Workspace or, if this option is not active, from the menu bar select File > Import > Team Project Set and then enter or select the project set file (.psf) and clickFinish. If the project set is not in a ClearCase VOB, the ClearCase View dialog appears.
  3. The ClearCase views that are currently running on your system appear in the ClearCase View dialog. Select the view you want to use to import the project set. Note that if the ClearCase SCM Adapter is also installed on your machine, your ClearCase SCM Adapter Dynamic and Snapshot views also are displayed in the ClearCase View dialog. If you select a ClearCase SCM Adapter Dynamic or Snapshot view, any future ClearCase operations that you perform on the project set in Eclipse are accomplished through the ClearCase SCM Adapter.
  4. Click OK to import the project set using the ClearCase view you selected.


The project set appears in the ClearCase view.