
ClearCase® Remote Client user-level commands

Note: rcleartool supports only UTF-8 file encoding.



Command type

ClearCase Remote Client







  • Execute a command.
    rcleartool subcommand [ options/args ]
  • Display the version of rcleartool. If the client is connected to the server, rcleartool -ver/sion also lists the CCRC WAN server version.
    rcleartool -ver/sion
  • Return the status (0 or 1) of each rcleartool subcommand that is executed.
    rcleartool -status


rcleartool is the command-line interface to ClearCase Remote Client version-control and configuration management software.

rcleartool subcommands

Except for a few session-management commands described below, the rcleartool subcommands differ very little, or not at all, from the corresponding cleartool subcommands. For a list of topics containing information about rcleartool, search for "rcleartool" in ClearCase documentation,

Persistence of user credentials

rcleartool supports credentials that persist for a single command or for the duration of a user session. For detailed information, refer to the following reference pages:
  • login
  • logout
  • lsserver
  • set

Adding rcleartool to the PATH variable

To run rcleartool commands from any directory, add the rcleartool installation directory to the PATH environment variable. Following are the default installation directories:
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\RemoteClient\
  • UNIX system and Linux: /opt/devops/code/clearcase/RemoteClient/

Java VM flags

You can edit the file rcleartool.conf to provide custom Java VM flags. For example, to specify Spanish language, add the following line to rcleartool.conf:

The file rcleartool.conf is installed in the default installation directory, where the scripts rcleartool.bat (Windows) and rcleartool (UNIX system and Linux) are also installed. Regardless of installation directory, rcleartool.conf and the rcleartool script must reside in the same directory.

Escaping exclamation marks

In single-command mode, rcleartool requires that the exclamation mark be escaped with a caret; for example,
rcleartool find -all -version "{(ˆ!lbtype(LABEL3))}" -print 

This requirement does not apply to rcleartool in interactive mode.

Getting help

In addition to the command reference pages listed above, you can display rcleartool command syntaxes only. For more information, see the help reference page.