
Lists data container path name for MVFS file



Command type








  • UNIX and Linux:
    mvfsstorage pname ...
  • Windows only—Display path name of data container:
    mvfsstorage [ –a | –k | –u ] pname ...
  • Windows only—Display help on command options:
    mvfsstorage –h


mvfsstorage lists the path name of the data container of an MVFS file. The path name may be within view-private storage, the source pool, or the cleartext pool, depending on the kind of file.

Kind of file

Information displayed

View-private file (including checked-out versions, unshared derived objects, and nonshareable derived objects)

Path name to the data container in the view's private storage area

Version whose element uses a single data container file

Path name to the data container in the VOB cleartext storage pool

Note: If you have accessed the version recently, this is the actual path name of the data container. If you have not accessed the version recently, this is the path name to which ClearCase would extract the version.

Version whose element uses a separate data container file for each version

Path name to the data container in the VOB source storage pool

mvfsstorage is intended for use in finding discrepancies in OS-level access rights between the view and the underlying MVFS storage. Such discrepancies may occur when you do not have access rights to the remote underlying storage (for example, in UNIX or Linux, the storage may be owned by root). If you encounter a permissions error that seems unfounded, run this utility as a diagnostic and verify that you have valid access to the remote storage directory, specifically to the underlying data container path name.



Options and arguments

Displays help on command options.
Displays both kernel and UNC/drive letter path names.
Displays path name in kernel mode format, which includes the device name.
Displays the path name in user mode format. The path is displayed in drive letter form for local paths and automounted NFS volumes, and in UNC form for remote SMB or non-auto-mounted NFS paths.
pname ...
One or more names of files whose path names are under a VOB tag (an MVFS object). For directories and non-MVFS objects, mvfsstorage echos the path names you give it.


UNIX and Linux examples

  • For a view-private file, compare view-level ownership and permissions against those on the file's underlying storage location.
    ls -l unixV7 ‘/opt/devops/clearcase/etc/mvfsstorage unixV7‘ 
    -rwxrwxrwx  1 nobody 65534  2210032  2007-05-12T09:33 /net/myhost/home/myview/
    -rwxrwxrwx  1 root   sys    2210032  2007-05-12T09:33 unixV7*

Windows examples

  • For a local view-private file, return data on the file's underlying storage location.

    Z:\myvob\mydir> mvfsstorage util.c

  • For a remote VOB file, return data on the file's underlying storage location.

    C:\users> mvfsstorage z:\vob1\src\foo.c

See also

mvfsversion, DevOps Code ClearCase Administrator's Guide