Manages the merging of versions graphically
Product |
Command type |
ClearCase® |
command |
Platform |
Linux |
- Start the graphical user interface
for a UCM deliver operation:
- clearmrgman –del/iver [ –str/eam stream-selector]
- [-to target-view-tag] [ –tar/get stream-selector ]
[ –q/uery | –qal/l ]
- Start the graphical user interface
for a UCM rebase operation:
- clearmrgman –reb/ase [ –vie/w rebase-view-tag]
- [–str/eam stream-selector] [ –q/uery | –qal/l ]
- Start the Merge Manager:
- clearmrgman [ –tta/g to-view-tag ]
- [ { [ –fta/g from-view-tag | –fbr/anch branch-type
| –fla/bel label-type | –fve/rsion version-selector ]
[ –d/irectory | –nr/ecurse ]
[ –fol/low ] [ –noa/utomerge ] [ –q/uery | –qal/l ]
[ –a/ll vob-names | –avo/bs | pname... ] }
{ –fil/e mrgman-file } ]
The clearmrgman command starts the Merge Manager, a graphical tool that manages the process of merging one or more versions. It automates the processes of gathering information for a merge, starting a merge, and tracking a merge. It can also save and retrieve the state of a merge for a set of versions.
You can also use UCM-specific options to start a graphical interface for a deliver or rebase operation.
Identities: No special identity is required to invoke clearmrgman. If an operation invokes checkout and/or merge, the identity checking of those commands is in effect.
Locks: No locks apply.
Mastership: (Replicated VOBs only) No mastership restrictions.
Options and arguments
Starting the graphical user interface for a deliver or rebase operation
- Default
- Starts the Merge Manager.
- –deliver
- Starts the graphical user interface for a UCM deliver operation.
- –stream stream-selector
- Specifies a stream to be used as the source for the UCM deliver or rebase operation.
- –to target-view-tag
- Specifies a view attached to the deliver target stream in the same project or in a different project. This option is not accepted for a remote post-deliver operation.
- –target stream-selector
- Specifies a nondefault deliver target stream in the same or a different project. For more information about delivering to an alternative target, see deliver.
- –rebase
- Starts the graphical user interface for a UCM rebase operation.
- –view rebase-view-tag
- Specifies a view to be used for the UCM rebase operation.
Specifying the destination view
- Default
- None.
- –ttag to-view-tag
- Specifies a view that is used as the target of the merge operation. Merge results are created in this view.
Specifying the from–version
- Default
- None.
- –ftag from-view-tag
- Specifies a view that is used as the from-view in the merge operation. Compares this version with the version in your view. A version of the same element is always used, even if the version has a different name in the other view.
- –fbranch branch-type
- Compares the version in your view with the latest version on the specified branch.
- –flabel label-type
- Compares the version in your view with the version selected by the specified label.
- –fversion version-selector
- Compares the version in your view with the version specified by version-selector.
Narrowing the list of versions to be considered
Use the following options to select a subset of the versions specified by pname arguments and the –all or –avobs option.
- –d/irectory
- For each directory, considers only the directory itself, not the directory or file versions, or VOB symbolic links it catalogs.
- –nr/ecurse
- For each directory version, considers the file and directory versions within it, but does not descend into its subdirectories.
- –fol/low
- Causes VOB symbolic links to be traversed.
Turning off automatic merging
Use the following options to select a subset of the of the versions specified by pname arguments and the –all or –avobs option.
- –noa/utomerge
- Turns off automatic merging of directories.
- –q/uery
- Turns off automatic merging for nontrivial merges and prompts you to proceed with every change in the from-versions. Changes in the to-version are accepted unless a conflict exists.
- –qal/l
- Turns off automated merging. Prompts you to determine whether you want to proceed with each change.
Specifying the versions to be considered
- Default
- None.
- –all vob-names
- Considers all the versions in the specified VOB or VOBs, whether or not they are visible in your view.
- –avobs
- Considers all the versions in all the VOBs active (mounted) on the local host. (If environment variable CLEARCASE_AVOBS is set to a colon-separated list of VOB-tags, this set of VOBs is used instead.
- pname...
- Considers only the specified file versions and the subtrees under the specified directory versions.
Loading a Merge Manager file
- Default
- Starts a new session.
- –fil/e mrgman-file
- Loads the specified Merge Manager file.
- Start the Merge Manager.
% clearmrgman
- Start the Merge Manager and compare
the version of foo.c selected by the view joe_view with
the version of foo.c selected by the active view.
% clearmrgman -ftag joe_view foo.c
- Start the graphical user interface
for a UCM deliver operation.
% clearmrgman -deliver rt_int/@vobs/mypvob