
Checks out files



Command type

ClearCase® integration with Cadence Virtuoso

Integration-specific command





gdmco [ –cdslib filename ] [–recurse ] [ –xtra string ]
[ –version version ] [ –help ]

[ –lib lib.cell:view/file ] [–file filename ] ...


Checks out the specified files. Co-managed files are checked out in the same group in which they were checked in. Co-managed set behavior applies only when directories or files are specified as library elements; that is, with the –lib option.

Checkout with synchronous request for mastership

In a replicated environment, a VOB must be enabled for synchronous request for mastership (SRFM) for a reserved checkout operation of an element on an unmastered branch to succeed (see the protectvob reference page). SRFM is the default for the gdmco command; it can be disabled by setting the Cadence-specific environment variable CCASE_CDS_SRFM to false or FALSE. If the VOB is not SRFM-enabled, or CCASE_CDS_SRFM is set to false, you must acquire mastership of the branch before the checkout operation can proceed. The –xtra option –reqmaster initiates a request for branch mastership synchronously with the checkout operation. For example,
gdmco –xtra –reqmaster –lib  basic.vcc:symbol
  • If the files in the co-managed set are mastered locally, then checkout proceeds.
  • If the files are mastered remotely (and the VOB is SRFM-enabled), a request for mastership is issued and the state of the checkout is pending reserved. The checkin operation succeeds when the state of the checkout is reserved (that is, after branch mastership is acquired).

For related information, refer to the discussion of explicit branch mastership in the mkbranch reference page.

Options and arguments

–cdslib filename
Specifies the library definition file that maps library names to library directories.
If a non-library specification is a directory name, this option selects the entire directory hierarchy. (Default: only files immediately below the directory.)
–xtra string
Indicates additional arguments that are to be passed to cleartool checkout. The string argument must be enclosed in quotation marks if there is a space in the string.
  • unreserved
  • unreserved, [ –nmaster ] Unreserved checkouts can be checked in only if there is no reserved checkout of the element on the branch and no new version of the element is created on the branch after the unreserved checkout. To perform an unreserved checkout using –nmaster in a replicated environment in which the VOB is enabled for synchronous request for mastership, the environment variable CCASE_CDS_SRFM must be set to false.
  • –nwarn
  • –ptime
  • –comment The comment string must be escaped as follows: \" string \". For example,
    –xtra "–comment \"fix defect 12345\""
  • –cfile
  • –query
  • –nquery
–version version
Specifies a version other than the latest on the current branch. Checking out a version on a branch other than the current branch is not supported.
–lib lib.cell:view/file
Library elements to check out. Names listed without -lib or -file are treated as -file arguments.
–file file
Files and directories (non-library elements) to check out.
Displays the command synopsis.