
Displays user and group information



Command type






ccase-home-dir etc\utils\creds options


The creds utility displays user and group information for the currently logged-in user for the local Windows host. The value of the user's primary group is affected by the CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP environment variable. If this EV is set, creds displays its value, which is used only for ClearCase processing. If this EV is not set, creds displays the user's Windows primary group.

creds also displays the user's ClearCase privilege status:

You have ClearCase administrative privileges

You are a member of the ClearCase administrators group.

You do not have ClearCase administrative privileges

You are not a member of the ClearCase administrators group.

You do not have to be in the ClearCase administrators group to use ClearCase. However, members of this group have more privileges to create and modify ClearCase objects. See the permissions reference page for more information.



Options and arguments

By default, creds displays the credentials for the current user. Lookup is done on the local machine.

Some ClearCase operations cannot evaluate group membership information for more than 32 groups per user. If the user is a member of more than 32 groups, creds lists only the 32 groups used by all ClearCase operations.

Shows options for this command.
Displays current user's SID credentials
{ –a | –A }
Displays all information in current user's access token.
–u [ –w ]
Displays current user's UNIX style credentials.
Displays current user's credentials in raw SID form.
{ –p | –P } pid
Displays all information in the target process's access token.
[ –u | –r ] user
Displays information about the specified user. The user argument can be supplied as a name, integer UID, NT SID ("S-..."), or ClearCase SID ("NT:S-...","UNIX:10...","SID:01..."). Optional machine name causes lookup to be done on the specified machine.
[ –u | –r ] –g group
Displays information about specified group. The group argument can be supplied as a name, integer GID, NT SID ("S-..."), or ClearCase SID ("NT:S-...","UNIX:10...","SID:01..."). Optional machine name causes lookup to be done on the specified machine.
–s pid
Sets the primary group in the target process's access token based on CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP.
Updates and prints the cached trusted POSIX offset table.
Displays standard SIDs.
–d host
Reports whether the specified host resides in same domain as the current host.
–x ID
Converts the specified ID, which can be a SID or an integer UID/GID, to an integer UID/GID or SID without regard to the validity of the ID.
–c user
Displays credentials of the specified user; user can be supplied as a fully qualified name.
Dump the cached password and group tables.


  • Display credentials for the current user.

    c:\Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase> etc\utils\creds
    Login name:   jeri
    UID:          0x10040a
    Primary group: user (0x100432)
    user (0x100432)
    doc (0x303eb)
    Administrators (0x20220)
    Users (0x20221)
    Domain Users (0x100201)

    Current user is ClearCase privileged

  • Display the cached trusted POSIX offset table.

    c:Program Files\DevOps\Code\ClearCase\etc\utils\creds -t

    Name   Offset         SID
    Dev     0x40000000        S-1-5-21-2471908011-1545710240-342719572