Edit shipping charges

Use the Management Center Tools to edit shipping charges.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have:


  1. Open Management Center tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, click Shipping > Shipping codes. The Shipping Codes page is displayed for the selected store.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Shipping Codes.
  4. From the three dots given in Actions menu, click Charges. The Shipping Charges page is displayed.
  5. Click on the Name of the charge that you want to change. The Edit Shipping charge page is displayed.
  6. Change the following options as necessary:
    • In the Name column, update the existing name of the shipping charge.
    • In the Description column, type a description of the shipping charge.
    • In the Time period section, you can update the predefined time period.
  7. To update the Fulfillment options:
    • In the Fulfillment Options field you have following options:
      • Click on the Jurisdiction, to update the existing fulfillment option.
      • Fulfillment option window pops-up. You can update all the information provided for Fulfillment center, Jurisdiction, Shipping mode, and Precedence.
      • To define a new fulfillment option, click New. The Create New Fulfillment Option by providing all the information.
        Note: Define only the fulfillment options that apply to this charge. That is, if you have two different shipping modes that have different charges, define only one option now, and define the other when you create a new charge. Go to step 1.
      • To delete an existing fulfillment option, click on Delete icon from Actions menu. The fulfillment option gets deleted.
    • Click Save, to save the updated information.
  8. Click on Define Charge Type field, if you want to update the type of charge already selected.
    • If you have defined charge type By quantity:
      • You can update the Currency defined for the charge type.
      • Click on the Range to update an already existing Range and Charge for the charge type.
      • You can delete the defined range. Click on Delete icon from Actions menu and the range will be deleted.
      • You can also create a new range. Click New. Provide new Range, and Charge. Click Save to save the new range.
    • If you have defined charge type By weight:
      • From the Unit of measure list, select the unit of measurement.
      • From the Currency list, select the currency for the charge.
      • Click on the Range to update an already existing Range and Charge for the charge type.
      • You can also create a new range. Click New. Provide new Range, and Charge. Click Save to save the new range.
    • If you have defined Fixed charge type:
      • From the Currency list, select the currency for the charge.
      • In the Amount column, type the amount for the fixed charge.
  9. Click Save to save your settings and return to the Shipping Charges page.