Edit shipping jurisdictions
Jurisdictions are geographical regions or zones that represent a country, region, province, territory, or ZIP code range, to which you sell goods. You cannot change the name of an existing jurisdiction. Change the shipping settings for your store by using the Shipping Jurisdiction.
Before you begin
- Open Management Center tools.
- From Hamburger menu, click Shipping Jurisdictions page for selected store is displayed. . The
Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click .
- Enter Jurisdiction in the Search field. Select the jurisdiction that you want to change from the list.
You can also filter a jurisdiction by enabling Show filters.
- In the Country filter, enter a name of the country you want to edit the jurisdiction.
- In the State filter, enter a name of the state you want to edit the jurisdiction.
- In the City filter, enter a name of the city you want to edit the jurisdiction.
- From the list of displayed, click Jurisdiction, edit shipping jurisdiction page displays.
- Change one or more of the following attributes:
Option Description Name Change the name of the Jurisdiction given in the Name field. Country From the Country list, select a country. State/Province/Region - If the shipping rate applies to the entire country or if the country does not have states, provinces, or region then leave this field blank.
- If the shipping rate applies to a specific state, province or region, type the name of the state, province, or region for the chosen country in the State/Province/Region field.
City In the City field, type the name of the city. ZIP code range - Select the Zip code range check box to define a jurisdiction by zip code. The Start and End fields is displayed.
- In the Start field, type the first ZIP code in the range, for example, 00001.
- In the End field, type the last ZIP code in the range, for example, 00300.
- Click Save to save your settings and return to the Shipping Jurisdictions page. The changes to the jurisdiction are now displayed in the list.
- To change another jurisdiction, repeat steps 3-6 above.