Edit shipping codes

Name of the shipping code can be changed if required. Use Management Center Tools to update the already existing shipping code.


  1. Open Management Center tools.
  2. From the hamburger menu, click Shipping > Shipping codes. The Shipping Codes page is displayed for the selected store.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Shipping Codes.
  4. Select the shipping code that you want to change. Click Name.
  5. In the Name field, change the name of the shipping code.
  6. HCL Commerce Version or later You can update the already selected option from either of the two options available:
    1. All Products
      • If you select this option, the shipping code will be applicable for all the products and categories in the selected store.
      • Click Save to apply the selected shipping code to all the products and categories in the store.
    2. Specific categories and products
      • If you select this option, the new stepper Specify products and categories gets displayed on the screen.
      • Click Next to apply the new code for specific products and categories.
      • In the Specify products and categories field, all the selected categories and products can be viewed or new products and categories can be added.
      • Click Add to add a new product/category.
      • From the Catalog Browser, select the category from available Catalog stores. Selected category can be seen in the Selected Categories field available on the right corner.
      • In the Search Product field, all the products available in the store for the selected category will be displayed. Click the check-box available in front of the product to select any product. Selected product can be seen in the Selected Product field given on the right side of the product list.
      • Click Back or click on the View full list to view the list of the categories or products added.
      • The category or the product added can be removed from the Selected Category or Selected Product list. From the Actions menu, click on the Delete icon to remove any category or the product.
      • Click Save to save all the changes made to the shipping code. The updated shipping code gets displayed for the selected store.
    3. Cancel the effect of inherited shipping code
      Shipping codes can be defined in the context of a storefront asset store, that can be inherited by all inheriting e-sites. If you switch the context of the shipping codes tool to an e-site (select an e-site in the store filter), you can see the inherited shipping codes and you can edit them. Any changes you make to an inherited shipping code will only affect the current e-site. You can choose to cancel the effect of the shipping code in the e-site. Follow the steps given below to cancel the effect of inherited shipping code:
      • Select an e-site store for the shipping code. The list of all shipping codes will be displayed.
      • Click on Name. Edit shipping code page opens.
      • Select Cancel the effect of this inherited shipping code for this store option and all the effect of the shipping code will get canceled.
  7. Click Save. The new name for shipping code is displayed on the landing page.