Creating a content page

When you want to add a content page to your store, you can provide information to create a URL for the page. The new page is initially empty until you create a layout and assign it to the page.

Before you begin

Read Pages and page creation.

About this task

Use this task only to create content pages. Catalog pages are created automatically when you add catalog entries and categories to your catalog.


  1. Open the Commerce Composer tool.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Business tools > Store Management > Commerce Composer.
  3. In the explorer view (left pane):
    1. Under the Content Pages folder, create a folder to store your content page in, if there is not already a suitable folder.
    2. Right-click the folder in which you want to create the content page, and then click New Content Page.
  4. Complete the fields for your page:
    Page name Type a name for your page, for example, Customer Support Page.
    Folder To store the new page in a specific folder, from the explorer view, drag a subfolder of the Content Pages folder into the table.
    URL keyword Type a unique keyword to use in the page URL, for example, customer-support. As a result, the page URL might look like this example:

    If your store supports multiple languages, ensure that you specify a URL keyword for each supported language.

    Page title Type a unique, descriptive name for the page to display in the browser title bar, for example, Customer Support | Aurora. In the page HTML, this content is inserted in the <title> tag.
    Meta description Type a short, human-readable description of the page to help search engines and your customers understand the page content. Some search engines display the meta description in the search results. In the page HTML, this content is inserted in the meta description tag.
    Meta keyword Type one or more keywords that describe the contents of the page. Separate each word with a comma and a space. Some Internet search engines use these keywords to determine whether your page satisfies a search query. In the page HTML, this content is inserted in the meta keyword tag.
  5. Click Save and Preview.
    • A URL is created for the page in your store that uses the URL keyword and SEO data that you entered.
    • Store preview opens directly to your new page. The page is initially empty until you create a layout and assign it to the page.

What to do next

Create a layout and assign it to your page. For more information, see Creating a layout for a page.