Creating a web activity to advertise a promotion
You can create web activities to advertise promotions at your store. Creating these web activities ensures that promotional messages are seen by the right customers. Optionally, you can specify click actions for the content that advertises the promotion.
Before you begin
- Read Options for advertising promotions on store pages. If you are going to specify a click action for the content, you must understand the options and how they relate to coupon promotions and promotions that require promotion codes.
- Ensure that the promotion you want to advertise exists in the Promotions tool.
About this task
- Open the Marketing tool.
Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click .
- Create content to
advertise the promotion. When you are completing the properties for
the content, if you want the content to have a promotion-related click
action, select one of the following predefined click actions:
- Display promotion description
- This click action redirects the customer's browser to the Promotion Details display page. The promotion details that are displayed on this page are the Customer viewable short description text and the Customer viewable long description text, as defined for the promotion. This click action applies to promotions with any redemption method.
- Add coupon to customer's coupon wallet
- This click action redirects the customer's browser to the shopping cart page and displays the coupon in the coupon wallet. This click action applies only to promotions for which the redemption method is Coupon promotion.
- Add to shopping cart and apply promotion
- This click action redirects the customer's browser to the shopping cart page, adds the specified SKU to the customer's shopping cart, and applies the promotion to the customer's order. This click action applies only to promotions for which the redemption method is Requires promotion codes. Ensure that the promotion has only one promotion code defined. If it has more than one, then you cannot activate any Web activities that reference the promotion.
Alternatively, for the click action, you can select Custom URL as click action and supply your own custom URL.
- Follow the steps in Creating a web activity that displays content.