Creating new transports

Use Management Center to create new transports.


  1. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Administration > System Administration > Transports.
  2. Open Management Center tools.
  3. From the hamburger menu select System Administration > Transports.
    Note: Site or Store reference has to be provided while creating Transport.
    • If you want to create new transport for Site, then proceed with clicking on New to create a new transport.
    • If you want to create new transport for any Store, then click on Show filters > Select Store. Select the store from the list and proceed with clicking on New to create a new transport for selected store.
  4. Click New. The New Transport page opens.
  5. In the Transport Details field, A list of transport name with description will be displayed. Enter the Transport Name in Search or select from list by clicking on the circle given in front of transport name available.
  6. Click Next to configure the transport.
  7. The Transport configuration field is displayed. Note that this field is OPTIONAL. Depending upon the Transport name selected, configuration fields will vary.
  8. Click Finish to save the new transport created. New transport type will be shown on the landing page.
    Note: New transport will always be in active state. Unless a transport is activated, you will not be able to assign it to a message type.