HCL Commerce Enterprise

Searching for approval requests

You can search for approval requests by a specific request, or a group of requests.


  1. Open Management Center Tools.
  2. From Hamburger menu, click Manage Organizations > Approvals. A list of all the requests received is displays on the landing page.
  3. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Administration > Manage Organizations > Approvals.
  4. Enter requester name or entity id in Search field, to find the request received.
  5. Enable Show filters.
  6. Specify the criteria appropriate to your search:
    Approver filter (Displays to Site Administrators only) To retrieve all requests in review by a specific approver, select the approver here.
    Status filter To retrieve all requests in Pending, Approved, or Rejected state can be filtered from here.
    End date filter To retrieve all requests ended on a specific date can be filtered from here.
    Process filter To retrieve all requests for a specific process listed can be filtered from here.
    Start date filter To retrieve all request raised on a specific date can be filtered from here.
  7. A list of filtered request is shown on the Approvals page.

    If only the pending requests are retrieved, the page is identical to the Approvals page. If the search retrieves requests in an approved or rejected status, the page includes two extra columns: Approved On or Rejected On and Remarks. The Approve and Reject buttons are enabled from Actions menu.