- AdvancedOrderEditBegin URL
Sets up an order for editing or changes and begins an edit session. It attaches an editor ID to the order. This URL checks whether the order and order items are editable; if they are editable, this URL changes the status to E unless the state is NEW, P, or E. Meanwhile, if the order and order items are in a shopping cart, no status change is made. Orders that have already been submitted can be changed before they are released to fulfillment.
- AdvancedOrderEditEnd URL
Closes an order for editing and removes the editor ID from the order, that is this URL removes the EDITOR_ID values from the order in the ORDERS table.
- InventoryAllocationCheckCmd URL
Display a list of order items based on the status of the order items in specified orders.
- OrderCalculate URL
Determines a list of catalog items to be included in an order, adds them to the order by calling OrderItemAdd if they are not already in it, and recalculates specified CalculationUsages.
- OrderCancel URL
Cancel the specified order by changing its order state, reversing any inventory allocations, and canceling any backordered items. This URL does not remove the order from the database. OrderCancel can cancel orders with an order status of A, B, C, I, L, M, N.
- OrderCopy URL
Create, merge, or modify pending orders that have a status attribute of P or I.
- OrderCreate URL
This URL creates an order without any order items.
- OrderDisplay URL
Displays the contents of specified orders. If order reference numbers are not specified, this URL displays the list of orders that match the input parameters.
- OrderList URL
Displays a list of the customer's orders, whether they have been prepared or not. This URL provides a summary of the orders. It does not show tax, shipping, or discounts.
- OrderPrepare URL
Prepares an order by determining its prices, discounts, shipping charges, and taxes. If an order reference number is not specified, all current pending orders will be prepared for the current customer at the given store.
- OrderProcess URL
Submits an order for processing. The order must be locked by the OrderPrepare command.
- OrderProfileUpdate URL
Creates or updates a customer's default billing and shipping addresses, payment information, and shipping mode. Order profiles can be stored at store level, to provide defaults for use within a store, or at store group level, to provide defaults for use within all stores in the group.
- OrderUnlock URL
Unlocks an order that was previously locked by OrderPrepare command, then calls the specified URL. If the order is not locked, or if the order reference number is not correct, the command only calls the URL.
- ScheduledOrderCancel URL
Cancels execution of a recurring order submitted by the OrderSchedule URL.
- SetOrderTemplate URL
Sets or resets a "template" order or a "current template" order.
- SetPendingOrder URL
Set a pending order as the current pending order.
- ShipInfoAdd URL
Add shipping instructions or a shipping-carrier account number to an order and creates records in the SHIPINFO database table.
- ShipInfoUpdate URL
Updates an order with shipping instructions or a shipping-carrier account number. For B2B orders where shipping is charged by the carrier, the shipping carrier account number to be used with the order.
- ShipInfoDelete URL
Deletes either shipping instructions or, for B2B orders, shipping charge type information from an order.
- ShipInfoPrepare URL
Reconciles the SHIPINFO table and ORDERITEMS table to look for orphaned SHIPINFO records, and deletes any orphaned records from the SHIPINFO table. An orphaned SHIPINFO record is one that does not have a matching record in the ORDERITEMS table. This situation can occur if a shipping address is deleted after a SHIPINFO record is created.