Scheduling the DownloadStatistics job to copy marketing and search statistics

Marketing and search statistics must be available in the staging environment so that business users can view up-to-date data in statistics reports and search rule experiments in Management Center. You can create and schedule a DownloadStatistics job on the staging or authoring server to connect to and automatically copy search and marketing event statistics from the production environment at a scheduled interval, for example, every ten minutes. The DownloadStatistics job connects to the production environment by using the quick publish database connection to keep the search statistics up-to-date on the staging or authoring environment.

Before you begin


  1. Open Management Center Tools and from the hamburger menu, click System Administration > Scheduler.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Administration > System Administration > Scheduler.
  3. Click Scheduler. A list of jobs that are scheduled to run is displayed.
  4. Create the DownloadStatistics job:
    1. Click New.
    2. Create the DownloadStatistics job with the following values:
      New Scheduled Job: DownloadStatistics
      Parameter Value
      Job command DownloadStatistics
      Start Date Enter the date that you want to begin downloading search statistics.
      Start time Enter the time of day that you want to start the job for the first time. Use the 24 hour clock format, for example, 13:00 for 1 PM
      Schedule interval Type the number of seconds between successive runs of this job. If this parameter is omitted, the job is run only once. A typical schedule interval for this job is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
      Application type Enter Statistics as the type so that the job is executed under a separate work manager thread pool.

      For more information about the full set of parameters for scheduled jobs, see Scheduling a site-level job.

    3. Click OK.


Your job is listed on the Scheduler Status Display page and runs at the specified start time.

What to do next

After you create the DownloadStatistics job, you can configure it using the configuration found in the xml/config/ file.

The table names to be downloaded must be listed as properties under DownloadStatistics-Configurations:
A list of database tables that is managed by DownloadStatisticsCmd.
Property name Property value
Reference name (not used internally by the runtime) Defines the configuration grouping name that is used for a database table . The tables that can be referenced are:
  • DMELESTATS for Web activity and experiment statistics
  • DMEMSPOTSTATS for e-Marketing Spot statistics
  • DMEXPSTATS for experiment statistics
  • SRCHSTAT for search statistics
For example:

<_config:configgrouping name="DownloadStatistics-Configurations">
<_config:property name="SearchStatistics" value="DownloadStatistics-SRCHSTAT"/>
For each of the database table configuration grouping sections, the following properties can be used:
The name of the database table to be downloaded.
Download mode: copy (default), or move.
The maximum number of records to be processed all at once in a single batch unit of work.
The default value is 1000 when no value is specified.
The maximum threshold limit of records to be processed.
The default value is 10000 when no value is specified.
For example:

<_config:configgrouping name="DownloadStatistics-SRCHSTAT">
<_config:property name="TableName" value="SRCHSTAT"/>
<_config:property name="Mode" value="move"/>