Changing a member group

Use Management Center Tools to change the details of a member group, such as the name, description, and criteria upon which the group was created.


  1. Open Management Center Tools and from the hamburger menu, click Manage Organizations > Member Groups.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center Tools and from the left navigation menu, click Administration > Manage Organizations > Member Groups.
  3. From the menu, select Member Groups. Click Member Groups.
  4. From Search menu select the type of the member group you want to change. From Show filter menu, Parent Organization filter and Type filter can also be applied .
  5. Click on the Name of the member group you want to work with.
  6. In the Edit group:
    1. Update the details as required in all the fields.
      Note: You can only modify the Description updated for Group details. All the fields for Define group and Members can be updated.
    2. Click Save to save your changes.