HCL Commerce Enterprise

Selecting roles for an organization

Use Management Center Tools to select user roles for an organization.


  1. Open Management Center Tools and from the hamburger menu, click Manage Organizations > Organizations.
  2. HCL Commerce Version or later Open Management Center tools and from the left navigation menu, click Administration > Manage Organizations > Organizations.
  3. Enter the name of the organization and click Find.
  4. Click on the name of the organization and click Roles. The Select Roles dialog opens.
    • Site Administrator  - You can select roles for any organization.
    • Seller Administrator - You can select roles for the sub-organizations of the organizations where you directly play your administrator role. You can also select roles for organization that are part of the registered customer group.
    • Buyer Administrator, Channel Manager - You can only select roles for the sub-organizations of the organizations where you directly play your administrator role.
  5. Select roles for the organization as follows:
    • To assign a single role, from the Available roles list, select the role that you want to assign to the organization and click Save. The role moves from the Available roles list to the Selected roles list. Repeat this step for all the roles you want to assign to the organization.
    • If you make an error or want to remove a role, from the Selected roles list, select the role that you want to remove and click Remove. The role moves from the Selected roles list to the Available roles list. Repeat this step for all the roles you want to remove from the organization.
    • Note: There is no Remove all button available in the Management Center. You can only remove the roles one by one from the Selected roles list.
  6. Click Save to define user roles for the organization.