HCL Commerce Enterprise

Creating a numeric constant to use in a price rule

If you have a number you intend to use repeatedly in price calculations, you can create a numeric constant to represent that number. For example, you can create a numeric constant to represent the number 1.247. You can then use the numeric constant in price equations. You can also use a numeric constant in the Comparison Condition.


  1. Open Management Center tools and from the hamburger menu, click Manage Accounts > Catalog Filter and Pricing .
  2. From the toolbar, click the arrow on the right side of Add newArrow Create New; then select Numeric Constant.
  3. In the properties view, set the following properties:
    NameType a name for the constant, for example, Uplift Factor. In a price equation, this name displays beneath the Constant icon that uses the constant.
    Description Enter text that explains what the numeric constant is used for.
    TypeThis property is a display field to indicate the type of constant.
    NumberType the number to use for the constant.
  4. Save and close the constant.

What to do next

Use the constant in any price equation, or in the Comparison Condition.