Sending additional data to IBM Digital Analytics for a IBM Digital Analytics event

Each of the predefined events for IBM Digital Analytics, formerly known as Coremetrics Analytics supports a set of parameters to provide the analytics data that IBM Digital Analytics requires. You can add custom parameters to the JSON object if required. Any custom parameters are appended to the end of the IBM Digital Analytics data tag.


Consider a IBM Digital Analytics page view event with the following JSON object:

  { pagename: "Coffee Makers",
     referralURL: "",
     category: "Catalog" }

Because only the pagename and category parameters are known to the IBM Digital Analytics event listener, the following IBM Digital Analytics data tag is generated (the null values represent the known, but unspecified search parameters):

  cmCreatePageviewTag("Coffee Makers", "Catalog", null, 
     null, "")

Each IBM Digital Analytics event corresponds to a view, and each view corresponds to a view JSP file in the WC_eardir/Stores.war/ directory.

IBM Digital Analytics event View JSP
IBM Digital Analytics page view event AnalyticsPageView AnalyticsPageView.jsp
IBM Digital Analytics product view event AnalyticsProductView AnalyticsProductView.jsp
IBM Digital Analytics cart view event AnalyticsShopcartView AnalyticsShopcartView.jsp
IBM Digital Analytics registration view event AnalyticsRegistrationView AnalyticsRegistrationView.jsp
IBM Digital Analytics element event AnalyticsElementView AnalyticsElementView.jsp
IBM Digital Analytics conversion event AnalyticsConversionEventView AnalyticsConversionEventView.jsp
Each view generates the analytics data in JSON format for the corresponding IBM Digital Analytics event. The JSP file that creates the JSON object is made up of two parts:
  1. The view JSP file, which generates the core data that IBM Digital Analytics requires.
  2. The extension view JSP file fragment, which generates additional custom data.

For example, the AnalyticsElementView.jsp file includes the AnalyticsElementViewExtension.jspf file in the WC_eardir/Stores.war/Madisons directory. To customize the view JSP file, update the extension file.