Deploying a Node.js IAST agent

You can deploy an IAST agent on the application server that supports Java, .NET, Node.js or PHP based applications. This section explains how to create a Node.js agent type on your web server.


  1. Generate a key for the Node.js agent (through the user interface or API).
  2. On your web server:
    1. Add an environment variable: IAST_ACCESS_TOKEN: [key]
    2. Open the command prompt and run:
      npm install --save @hclsoftware/secagent
    3. Edit package.json by locating this line:
      "start": "node index.js",
      and editing it to this:
      "start": "node -r @hclsoftware/secagent/src/Iast.js index.js",
    Note: Alternatively, you can add the key to the package.json command as follows:
    • Windows: "start": "set IAST_ACCESS_TOKEN=12345 && node -r @hclsoftware/secagent/src/Iast.js index.js"
    • Linux: "start": "IAST_ACCESS_TOKEN=12354 node -r @hclsoftware/secagent/src/Iast.js index.js"
    Tip: If you use Next to run your applications, the IAST agen can be run with NODE_OPTIONS environment variable before the original command, for example: NODE_OPTIONS='-r @hclsoftware/secagent/src/Iast.js' next app.js
  3. Start your application using npm start.

    The agent is now installed. As you use or test your application (by running functional tests, a dynamic scan, or exploring the application manually), the IAST agent will monitor requests and report any security issues it finds.