IAST configuration file

Configure a JSON file to override the default IAST settings, and report only the vulnerabilities you want to know about.


The configuration file is user-config.json, and it can be deployed either before the agent starts, or during runtime. Changes may take few seconds to take effect. When a file is added, any previous version is disabled. If the file is deleted, IAST returns to its default configuration.

Sample file:
  "logging": {
     "logLevel": "ERROR",
     "stdoutLogLevel": "DEBUG",
     "maxSizeLogFileMB": 100
   "monitoredApps": [ 
    "app1", "app2"
  "asoc": {
    "reportToAsoc": true,
    "asocPollingIntervalInSec": 10
  "memoryThreshold": 0.85, 
  "ignoredMethods": [ 
  "ignoredNonSecureCookies": [ 
  "ignoredNonHttpOnlyCookies": [ 
  "securityRules": { 
    "CheckCsrf": false, 
    "CheckServerHeader": false, 
    "CheckXPoweredBy": false, 
    "CheckXAspNetVersion": false 
  "safeHeaders": ["MySafeHeader", "MyOtherSafeHeader"],
  "safeCookies": ["MySafeCookie", "MyOtherSafeCookie"],
  "hidePasswords": true

  "hooks": [ 
      "targets": [ 
      "methods": [ 
      "parameters": [ 
      "rules": [ 
        "type": " sanitizer", 
        "from": "return", 
"vulnerability": "CrossSiteScripting.Reflected" 
      "requiresSuperTypes": false 


Deploy the IAST agent through the ASoC RESP API or from a local file. In both cases you can update while IAST is actively monitoring, and the update will take effect within a few seconds.


  1. Send request FileUpload. The response includes FileId.

  2. Update your IAST agent with the FileId you received.

Local file

Deploy the configuration file by copying it to a directory on the server. The deployment location usually is the server temp folder. last prints the location to stout.




The following logging options can be controlled through the configuration file.
Field Values Description

Default: DEBUG

The logging level of IAST log file.
Note: Setting the log level to TRACE can adversely affect IAST agent performance.

Default: INFO

The logging level of IAST events to stdout.
Note: Setting the log level to any value other than INFO adversely affects IAST agent performance.
maxSizeLogFileMB Integer

Default: 20

To avoid large files, when the IAST log file reaches a predefined maximum (in MB), it is zipped and the new logs are saved to a new file. Set the maximum file size with this field.

Communication with ASoC

These fields control communication with ASoC.
Field Values Description
reportToAsoc TRUE, FALSE

Default: TRUE

Enable or disable reporting to ASoC.
asocPollingIntervalInSec Integer

Default 10

Define how frequently (in seconds) IAST reports issues detected to ASoC.
Note: Reducing the interval below 10s can create a large overhead on network communications with ASoC. Increasing the interval requires higher memory usage and may result in data loss if the IAST agent is stopped before the latest data is sent to ASoC.


Field Values Description
monitoredApp "monitoredApps": [ "app1", "app2"] will limit monitoring to these apps only. Names the web applications running on the server that are to be monitored by IAST; others will be ignored.

If not defined, all applications on the server are monitored.

The application name generally is derived from the WAR file name, so demo.war is called demo. For details and exceptions, refer to Detect the monitored app name.

memoryThreshold Any value between 0.5 - 1.0

Default: 0.95

If the client's JVM memory usage runs above this threshold, IAST automatically disables itself to prevent OutOfMemoryError. When memory usage decreases below the threshold, IAST automatically enables itself again.
hidePasswords Boolean. Default: False When set to True, passwords are not shown in the user interface or report, but replaced with the string **CONFIDENTIAL**


Filter exploits by namespace
Field Values Description
ignoredMethods array of strings

Default: None

Filter out exploit issues (Cryptography.PoorEntrpy, Cryptography.InsecureAlgorithm, and so on) based on namespace.
Note: This exclude all issues from the namespace.

To filter out this issue and all issues from com.hcl.appscan.systemtests.SystemTests, add:
"ignoredMethods": ["com.hcl.appscan.systemtests.SystemTests"]
Ignore reports on insecure cookies
Field Values Description
ignoredNonSecureCookies, ignoredNonHttpOnlyCookies array of strings

Default: None

IAST reports when secure attribute is not set or http-only attribute of a cookie is set. To filter out a specific cookie, add the cookie name to the configuration file.

To filter out this issue, add:
"ignoredNonSecureCookies": ["myCookie"]

Disable security rules

"securityRules": { 
    "CheckCsrf": false, 
    "CheckServerHeader": false, 
    "CheckXPoweredBy": false, 
    "CheckXAspNetVersion": false 

All security rules are enabled by default. Through the configuration file, you can disable some of the report types. Specify only the fields that you want to disable, all others will remain enabled.

For example, “CheckCsrf” : false disables reporting for all issues of this type.

Disable injection by header name or cookie name
Field Values Description
safeHeaders, safeCookies array of strings

Default: None

Declare a header or a cookie value as safe by its name. This causes IAST to stop tracking input from this header or cookie, so any injection from this value will not be reported.
Tip: HTTP Header names are case in-sensitive.

The source of the following cross-site scripting issue is a header called input2. To filter all issues caused by this input, add:
"safeHeaders": ["input2"]


In some cases it can be useful to add hooks to IAST, adding behavior of the application under test. For example, for a proprietary sanitization method that IAST does not recognize, tell IAST to clean every string that enters this method.
Note: IAST will not know what the method actually does, so it is up to the user to verify that the sanitization is correct and sufficient for their security requirements.

Example 1: Sanitization for a specific vulnerability

The following configuration defines the method myEscapeHtml in class com.myApp.common.MyEscapeUtils as a sanitizer for cross-site scripting, and the return value is cleaned. It still reports if the return value ends up in an SQL sink. For example.
"hooks": [ 
      "targets": [ 
      "methods": [ 
      "parameters": [ 
      "rules": [ 
        "type": "sanitizer", 
        "from": "return", 
"vulnerability": "CrossSiteScripting.Reflected" 
      "requiresSuperTypes": false 

Example 2: Sanitization from all vulnerabilities

The following configuration defines the method myEscapeAll in class com.myApp.common.MyEscapeUtils as a sanitizer all vulnerability types, and the return value is cleaned.
"hooks": [ 
      "targets": [ 
      "methods": [ 
      "parameters": [ 
      "rules": [ 
        "type": " sanitizeAll", 
        "from": "return" 
      "requiresSuperTypes": false 