IAST environment variables and Java properties

Some low-level IAST behavior can be controlled with user parameters.

Here are a few options, ordered by their priority:
  • Set an environment variable
  • Add a Java property, using -Dproperty_name=property_value in the Java command
  • Add a property to MANIFEST.MF file, inside Secagent.war under META-INF directory
Environment variable name Java property name / Manifest name Description Value
IAST_LOG secagent.log Specify a file to be used as the IAST log.
Note: File must exist.
File name
FLUSH_ON_EVERY_WRITE secagentFlushOnEveryWrite When set, log prints are not buffered. This is useful for debug sessions to get the log filled immediately. True/False
IAST_MEMORY_DEBUG secagentMemoryDebug Turns on memory usage debug prints approximately every 10 seconds. True/False
IAST_GC_DEBUG secagentGcDebug Turns on GC activity debug prints. True/False
IAST_ACCESS_TOKEN n/a Access token for communication with IAST session in ASoC and AppScan Enterprise.
Important: Setting this variable overrides the default value embedded in the agent when downloaded from ASoC or AppScan Enterprise.
For an existing agent, it can be obtained by choosing Generate new key in the drop-down menu.
IAST_ACCESS_TOKEN n/a Relevant for AppScan Enterprise users: ASE HOST URL
Important: Setting this variable overrides the default value embedded in the agent when downloaded from ASoC or AppScan Enterprise.
URL or IP for accessing AppScan Enterprise instance.
IAST_RUNTIME_SCA n/a Enables runtime detection of libraries in addition to standard IAST functionality. True/False
IAST_SCA_PROD n/a Enables runtime detection of libraries and disables standard IAST functionality. True/False


Setting log file through Java property:
Java -Dsecagent.log=/tmp/myLogDir/MySecagentLog.txt <myApp.jar>
Setting ASoC token through environment variable: