Deploying an IAST agent on Kubernetes

AppScan supports automatic installation of IAST agent on a Kubernetes cluster. Using a MutatingAdmissionWebhook, the IAST agent is automatically installed on any starting pod.

About this task

Illustration of the steps for installing an IAST agent on Kubernetes, with support for Java, .Net, and Node.js applications.

Image showing installation on Kubernetes


  1. Download the ASoC Kubernetes IAST agent, as described here.
  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.
  3. To install the IAST agent in your Kubernetes cluster:
    1. Run the script.
      This script installs the MutatingAdmissionWebhook in the cluster, which will then add an IAST agent to each pod when it starts.
    2. To apply the IAST agent, restart any existing pods.
  4. Optional: You can configure the IAST installer to skip specific pods or specify the language of the pod for agent detection. The config file must be placed in the “config” folder before running the script.
    Examples of configurations are available in the "examples" folder of the extracted zip.
                            // don't install IAST agent on service1. Default for ignore is false 
                            // hint IAST installer that service2 is Java. Possible values: java, net-core, nodejs 
  5. To view the pod name of the issues reported from the different pods, see the Additional Info section of the Issue Details tab.
  6. To uninstall the IAST agent in your Kubernetes cluster:
    1. Run the script.
    2. To complete the uninstallation process, you need to restart any running pods since the agent is not automatically removed from them during uninstallation.