The mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function

The mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function unregisters the previously registered XA data source from the transaction.


mi_integer mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource(mi_string *xasrc)
The user-defined name of the XA data source.


Because the mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function unregisters the data source from the transaction, none of the transactional events that the data source would have instigated occur.

The format of the xasrc name is [owner].xadatasourcename. If the owner is specified, the mi_xa_get_xadatasource_rmid() function searches for the owner and the data source name. If the owner is not specified, the function:
  • Searches for the XA data source name in a non-ANSI database.
  • Adds the current user to the XA data source name when searching an ANSI database.

Multiple registrations of the same XA data source in a transaction have the same effect as a single registration. Since HCL Informix® does not maintain a count of the number of times an application has registered, a single call to mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() unregisters the data source from the transaction.

If you receive an error, check for any of the following problems:
  1. Make sure the value for xasrc is correct.
  2. Make sure that the mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function is called from within the transaction.
  3. Make sure that the mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function is not called:
    • From the sub-ordinator of a distributed transaction.
    • From within a resource manager global transaction.
    • In a non-logging database.
    • From any of the XA purpose functions that are specified in a CREATE XADATASOURCE TYPE statement, which creates a type of XA-compliant external data source.
  4. Make sure that you are not unregistering an XA data source that is not registered.

The ax_unreg() function also allows DataBlade® modules to unregister XA-compliant, external data sources. However, the ax_unreg() function and the mi_xa_unregister_xadatasource() function use different parameters and have different return values.

For more information about working with XA data sources, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The data source is unregistered.
An error occurred and the data source was not unregistered.
The XA data source does not exist in the system.
The user-defined name for an instance of the XA data source is not valid.
The function was called from outside the transaction. The function must be called from within the transaction.