The mi_error_sqlcode() function

The mi_error_sqlcode() function retrieves the value of the HCL Informix® SQLCODE status variable from an error descriptor.


mi_integer mi_error_sqlcode(err_desc, sqlcode_ptr)
   MI_ERROR_DESC *err_desc;
   mi_integer *sqlcode_ptr;
A pointer to the error descriptor that describes the SQL error or warning.
A pointer to the SQLCODE value that mi_error_sqlcode() is to obtain from the err_desc error descriptor.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
Yes Yes


The mi_error_sqlcode() function copies the value of the Informix® SQLCODE status variable from the error descriptor that err_desc references into the user-allocated variable that sqlcode_ptr references. The SQLCODE variable contains an integer value that is 0 to indicate success and negative to indicate an error.

This function is intended for use with the MI_ERROR_DESC structure passed to a callback routine when the callback exception is of event type MI_Exception. You can use the mi_error_sqlcode() function to retrieve an SQLCODE value to provide more information about cases in which SQLSTATE indicates an error specific to Informix® ("IX000" value).

A separate, additional callback follows the callback for the SQLCODE value when an exception has an access-method error code (Informix® RSAM status). This error code and message text are available through the mi_errmsg() and mi_error_sqlcode() functions.

If no SQLCODE value is defined, as for mi_db_error_raise() exceptions, mi_error_sqlcode() sets sqlcode_ptr to 0.
Tip: The SQLSTATE variable is an ANSI-complaint way to indicate errors. The SQLCODE variable is specific to Informix®. If your application is to be ANSI compliant, use SQLSTATE rather than SQLCODE.

For general information about how to obtain information from an error descriptor, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The function was successful.
The function was not successful.