The mi_class_numvp() function

The mi_class_numvp() function obtains the number of active virtual processors (VPs) in a VP class.


mi_integer mi_class_numvp(VPclass_id)
   mi_integer VPclass_id;
A VP-class identifier for the VP class whose number of active VPs the function is to return. This argument can be either of the following values:
A valid VP-class identifier
Obtains the number of active VPs in the specified VP class.
MI_CURRENT_CLASS VP-class constant
Obtains the number of active VPs in the VP class of the current VP.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
No Yes
Important: This advanced function can adversely affect your UDR if you use the function incorrectly. Use it only when no regular DataBlade® API function can perform the task you need done.


The mi_class_numvp() function returns the number of active VPs in the VP class that the VPclass_id argument specifies. An active VP is a VP that is currently executing a task. The number of active VPs is initially the value assigned with the num option in the VPCLASS configuration parameter. For example, suppose you have the following VPCLASS configuration parameter:
VPCLASS=newvp, num=3, max=6

The mi_class_numvp() function returns the value of 3 when it receives the VP-class identifier for the newvp VP class. However, if the DBA dynamically adds or removes VPs, the value that mi_class_numvp() returns might not coincide with the num option. You can obtain a VP-class identifier with the mi_vpinfo_classid() or mi_class_id() function.

This function is useful to determine if the current VP is part of a single-instance VP class. For such a VP class, the mi_class_numvp() function returns a value of 1.
Tip: To obtain the maximum number of VPs defined for the VP class (by the max option of the VPCLASS configuration parameter), use the mi_class_maxvps() function.

For information about how to obtain information about VPs and VP classes, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The number of active VPs in the VP class associated with the specified VP-class identifier.
The function was not successful or that the specified VP class does not exist.