The mi_library_version() function

The mi_library_version() function returns the version and version date of the DataBlade® API currently being used.


mi_integer mi_library_version(buf, buflen)
   char *buf;
   mi_integer buflen;
The user-allocated buffer for the version string.
The length of buf in bytes.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
Yes Yes


The mi_library_version() function copies the version and version date into the user-defined buffer that buf references.

Server only: In a C UDR, mi_library_version() returns the name of the database server and its version number.

Beginning with HCL Informix® Version 10.0, use the new mi_server_library_version() function to obtain the correct database server version. The mi_library_version() function returns a string with the value "HCL Informix® Dynamic Server Version 9.50.UC1," which would still be applicable if your software uses string compare functionality.

Return values

The function was successful.
The function was not successful.