The mi_collection_open_with_options() function

The mi_collection_open_with_options() function opens a collection in a specified open mode.


MI_COLL_DESC *mi_collection_open(conn, coll_ptr, control)
   MI_COLLECTION *coll_ptr;
   mi_integer control;
A pointer to a connection descriptor established by a previous call to mi_open(), mi_server_connect(), or mi_server_reconnect().
A pointer to the collection structure to open.
A bit-mask integer value that specifies the type of collection cursor to create and open. The following bit-mask flags are valid:
Cursor is read-only.
Cursor A sequential cursor (not a scroll cursor).
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
Yes Yes


The mi_collection_open_with_options() function is a constructor function for the collection descriptor. The function opens the collection that coll_ptr references and returns a collection descriptor for the open collection. Other DataBlade® API collection functions use this collection descriptor to access the elements of a collection.

For a description of collections, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.

Server only: The mi_collection_open_with_options() function allocates a new collection descriptor in the current memory duration.
This function creates a collection cursor to hold the collection elements. By default, this cursor is an update scroll cursor. If this type of cursor is not adequate for your DataBlade® API module, you can create a collection cursor with characteristics specified by a bit mask in the control argument.
Collection cursor type
Control-flag value
Update scroll cursor
None (default)
Read-only scroll cursor
Update sequential cursor
Read-only sequential cursor

This function is useful for accessing collection subqueries.

Return values

An MI_COLL_DESC pointer
The address of the collection descriptor for the opened collection.
The function was not successful.