The mi_streamread_real() function

The mi_streamread_real() function reads an mi_real (SMALLFLOAT) value from a stream, converting any difference in the stream representation to that of the internal representation.


mi_integer mi_streamread_real(strm_desc, real_dptr)
   MI_STREAM *strm_desc;
   mi_real **real_dptr;
A pointer to the stream descriptor for the open stream from which to read the mi_real value.
A pointer to the buffer into which to copy the address of the mi_real value.
Valid in client LIBMI application? Valid in user-defined routine?
No Yes


The mi_streamread_real() function reads an mi_real value from the stream that strm_desc references. The function reads the mi_real value from the stream and puts the address of the value in the buffer that *real_dptr references. The read operation begins at the current stream seek position. You can use mi_stream_tell() or mi_stream_getpos() to obtain this seek position.

When *real_dptr points to NULL, mi_streamread_real() allocates the memory for the buffer in the current memory duration. Otherwise, the function assumes that you have allocated the memory that *real_dptr references.
Important: Be sure that *real_dptr points to NULL if the parameter does not point to valid memory.

The mi_streamread_real() function is useful in a streamread() support function of an opaque data type that contains an mi_real value.

For more information about the use of mi_streamread_real() in a streamread() support function, see the Informix® DataBlade® API Programmer's Guide.

Return values

The number of bytes that the function has read from the open stream to the value that real_dptr references.
The end of the stream has been reached without any errors.
The stream descriptor that strm_desc references or the value that real_dptr references is invalid.
The function was not successful.