About File Browser

The File Browser displays DevOps Code ClearCase® elements and file-system objects in its details area. You start in the context of a view; the items displayed are based on the view config spec. Without a view context, File Browser shows only file-system objects.

If File Browser runs in the context of a dynamic view, the config spec is evaluated every 15 seconds. The File Browser supports the following menus.

Controls the graphical interface.
Runs UCM project functions and runs Project Explorer.
Runs applets that perform source control operations on selected elements.
Maintains and controls the view of elements.
Operates on label, attribute, and hyperlink instances and type objects.
Generates information lists and runs queries.
Accesses functions in the build environment.
Performs DevOps Code ClearCase administrator operations.
Accesses online information.

The commands in these menus are activated based on which items and their types you select in the details area.

Context help

To display context Help for an available button in the toolbar, right-click that button. If a button is unavailable, select one or more objects relevant to the operation of the button. For example, the Describe button is unavailable until you select a type object that can be described.

To display button Help for an available command, click the menu, use the arrow keys to navigate to the subcommand of interest, and press F1.

Transcript pad

The transcript pad displays operational messages in a separate window. The window opens automatically only in response to error and status messages.

For each command you run, a separate transcript pad receives error, status, and warning messages, along with output from some commands.