To save update results to a file

You can save the results of an update operation to a file.

About this task

You may want to save the results of update previews, especially if the preview indicates that you need to take several actions before updating the view.


  1. In the Update Tool, click File > Save Results in the Update View window.
  2. In the Save Results window (on Linux and the UNIX system) or in the Save Update Results window (on Windows systems), click Yes.
  3. Navigate to a directory in which to save the file.
    A default file name is based on the current date and time of day with a type of .updt.
  4. Click Save.


You can open this file in the Update View window or in a text editor.

On Windows systems, you can also click View > Options and clear the Do not prompt to save results to be prompted to save the current update results.