To find checked-out elements

About this task

The Find Criteria window lets you specify the criteria that are used to locate checked-out elements. With the default settings for the window, the specified search folder itself and all its subfolders are searched for any elements that you have checked out in the current view. To find checkouts with different criteria, follow these steps.


  1. Do one of the following steps:
    • If Find Checkouts is running, click File > New.
    • If Find Checkouts is not running, start it.
    The Find Criteria window opens.
  2. Do either of the following:
    • In Search folder, select a folder or click in and edit the path directly.
    • Click the browse button to navigate to and select an available folder. The path of the selected folder appears in Search folder.
  3. Select the options appropriate for the search location, the type of checkout, and the view. Click Help for more information.
  4. Click OK.


The Find Criteria window closes and the found items are displayed in the Find Checkouts window. The Status bar shows the number of items displayed.